In the weeks leading up to Space Week 6th class researched all about the solar system and created a wonderful project. Well done to you all.
Juniors really got into the swing of things for Space Week. They look like they really had some fun. What a lucky coincidence to have such amazing Northern Lights during Space Week this year. Thank you to the fifth class pupils that sent in their images. Super pictures.
The day finally arrived. We went to the Sports Arena in UL today to exhibit our project to the Science Blast Team. Our project was on germs and whether washing your hands makes a difference, It does. There were about thirty other schools there and the excitement was infectious. Here is a selection of pictures taken on the day. More will follow. We are also planning to put together a podcast explaining our work which we will post here.
This year we set our sights on a Curious Minds Gold Award. The deadline for application is fast coming up. We are ready submit evidence of all the work completed during the year. A sincere thank you to all the teachers and pupils that helped make this possible. Below is a selection of activities and investigations from each class. Juniors with their balloon rockets Seniors Growing a Beanstalk and taking part in Space Week and Maths Week First Class were inspired by a major local roads project. They investigated all things bridge related. 2nd Class took on a big STEM project and made a pair of shoes for their Múinteoir. They also took part in Space week and investigated ramps. 3rd Class investigated light and reflections using mirrors. 4th Class took part in Steps to Engineering, Space Week and in a Times Tables Rockstars competition with 5th. 5th Class made Density Towers, Catapults, Paper Planes, Investigated Temperature, made Marble Runs, investigated a relationship between Height and Arm Span, and participated in Meet the Scientist via Zoom. 6th Class Made Periscopes, Investigated Wind Turbines and Pulleys, and also took part in Space Week.
This year pupils from 3rd to 6th were asked to design and build a car that could travel 5 metres in a straight line while carrying a golf ball. The entries were a joy to see. So many different ideas. Not everything worked, but everyone learned from the experience and had a good time. Below are the winning entries from each class level. The video is of the overall winning entry, by Éile Ronayne. Well done to you and to everyone that took part. They are as follows: From 3rd class we had Sammy Robinson, Ostap Vyshtykaliuk, Ryan Quigley, Matthew Cunningham, Alan Costello, (Clara Gale & Liliana Baczkowska - 3rd Class Winners), Skylar Koyce and George Fitzgerald. From 4th class we had Fiadh Hogan, Kate Woulfe and (Joni Ryan - 4th Class Winner) From 5th class we had Sam Sheedy, Lakota Koyce, Oran Morgan, Anisha Grant, Conor Gibbs and (Peter Hanna - 5th class winner). From 6th class we had Sophia O'Brien and Amy Minihan - 6th class winners. The title of our project was 'Finding the Optimal Angle to Achieve the Greatest Distance for our Rockets'. We travelled to Mary I college today to present our work and we even managed to get on TV (Ireland AM). Fifth class have worked on this project for nearly the entire school year and I think deserved a great day out to present their work to a wider audience and to have fun doing so. Well done to all. Here is a link to our TV interview.
a HUGE WELL DONE TO ALL THE PUPILS THAT TOOK PART. eVERYONE WAS HUGELY IMPRESSED WITH THE DIVERSITY OF IDEAS AND INGENUITY ON dISPLAY.Pupils were tasked with designing and making a device that could move a tennis ball from one table to another across a gap of half a metre. They were not allowed shop bought kits. The device had to be hand built. They were allowed to put the ball in at the start but it needed to make its own way out on the otherside. The winner of the competition today was Sarah Walsh of 6th class. Congratulations Sarah. |
Curious Minds science activities |