Please see the below notice re the Ballina Boher Community Games.
Ballina boher community games - 13 February at 21:04 Upcoming events: Tipperary Swimming Finals- 12/3/17 U8 to U16 Thurles swimming pool see for details, swimmer can take part in 1 individual event and 1 squad event. please enter on line by 04/03/2017 through your area secretary 0871378327 Gymnastics - County Final - 26/03/17, U9, U11, U13 & U15 For more details see Closing date for entry online through your area secretary is 14/03/17 Art (U8,U10, U12 € U14) Model making (U10, U12,U14&U16) & handwriting (U10& U 12). county finals- 01/04/17 Presentation school Thurles, see, closing date for entry on line through your area secretary 14/03/17 Comments are closed.